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Your generous tax-deductible donation will be used to promote planting trees on Marco Island. Funds will be used to plan, permit, purchase and plant trees, maintain trees and promote the advancement of tree planting and tree planting practices on Marco Island. You can donate any amount; it’s your choice. You can also request trees be planted in a particular public location in a swale, median or public park. Tree species will be selected based on a recommended tree list developed by the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee in collaboration with the Naples Botanical Garden. Your donation will be administered by the Collier Community Foundation (CCF), and you can designate you wish to donate in honor of someone. To make a tax-deductible donation through the Collier Community Foundation, please follow these instructions: STEP 1: Fill out the form below STEP 2: Click on the "Make Your Donation" link below to make your tax-deductible donation through the CCF website. STEP 3: Return to this page and click on the "Submit" Button below.